Sunday, 31 January 2010

Goal raising and my FARTHEST DISTANCE EVER!

Okay, so I raised my goal.

After being asked to share with VMGiving I realized I needed to. You don't just spend a good chunk of the morning breaking down achieving doable fundraising goals and think, "Yep, and here I am, so super proud of my over-achievement!" Virgin was founded by a guy who doesn't believe in limits, so I had to raise mine.

P.S. - I really like the Virgin Money Giving site. If you are charity raising your life is much, much easier. Back in the days of dinosaurs and green screen mobiles a person spent a huge chunk of time tending to their donors and swearing they wouldn't pass out credit card information.


14.65 miles. That is what is on the register for today. I believe I ran 14.10, in a (now defunct?) Nike+ Half Marathon. The goal of this half, so I was told, was to take your Nike+ out and in 24 hours (which is lovely) run 13.1 miles or more. Seeing as when this happened I was in my final months of living in Houston I decided to run a huge area near my home. I found out that it was hot, carrying enough water/gel without people at rest stops is hard, people build directly into public sidewalks (Hooray for running through shrubs!) , and much of the damage from Hurricane Ike was still around. But I finished and I turned in my time and I never got my tshirt or keychain as I was promised.


So I have that run on memory, but nothing further, and sadly, nothing better.

Until now, that is. Glorious Oxford with its glorious sidewalks and trails and bike paths! (And, of course, stupid Oxford with its far to easy to access outdoor running!)

In short, there isn't an excuse.

I did well on my last long run, and even though it wasn't tasty, the ROCTANE will be with me again. I really didn't hurt very much after wards with that in play, so out it will trot again. (Along with nummy chocolate and mint chocolate GU!)

So if you see me in these next few hours (I'll be wearing my jersey!) give me a shout or jump on and donate to my cause.

See you on the other side o' the bloggy.

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