Friday, 1 January 2010

The Rest Day.

It's 1:54 PM. I've been up since about 12:00 PM. After briefly reviewing my New Year's post I realize there isn't much I can do to get rid of it... as I posted it to everything thinking it was incredible.

Don't drink and blog.

Today is my rest day. I get Monday and Friday off from running. When you read the 6.2 billion training plans (all of which contradict each other) one thing they don't argue about is rest. You need it. You need your muscles to go, "Hooray! Thank you for letting me knit myself back together and get super strong!"

So, besides the healing of my shame from last post, today will be spent in various stages of slippers and socks, resting - reading - cleaning - and overall attempting not to leave the house.

And, other than those who have decided "Today is the day I (action verb)..." I would like to say:

ppppppppppppppffffffffffffffffffffffffffffttttttttt (including hand gestures)

But, in a desperate bid to also be a bit inspirational I will also say this:

New Year's has this tendency for people to think "New Beginning." In fact, I'm certain that one of the reasons New Year's became such a big deal is because people have the chance - as a group - to start over fresh. What most don't realize is, you can start fresh on any day ... all you have to do is stick to it. So if you are making a change, or committing to a challenge, or promising to sponsor me (shameless yes) you have to realize:

Every day is New Year's.

Every day you get up and want to do something more, better, faster, you have to face it eyes open. If you are a marathoner in training like me, you have to put one foot in front of the other - and also remember to put the feet up. It's a balance, it's hard. It's super easy to fall back.


If you have to pop a confetti cannon, cover yourself in glitter, or make a toast every night (with something nonalcoholic or that will be a really bad habit) - do it. Don't make any excuses.

Don't place something arbitrary in your way.

These people don't: Achilles International

So, while I'm slumming it in my jammies today, if you are starting something ... GO! DO! START! BE! DREAM! Anything is possible.

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