Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Little Changes.

Obligatory push for sponsorship. You know you can donate a £1, right? It's the little things that matter.

My Mommy taught me that. Wrap a present with a nicer bow, remember how someone takes their coffee, randomly send a card to a friend.

It's the little things.

When people want to change they want to change, BIG. BIG RISK. BIG REWARD! Right? Sometimes, but really, I'd give it a lower percentage (10%). The only way to make the permanent change is to tweak bits.

Remove a sugar from your coffee, walk to the grocer once a week, always say thank you... Little things you can implement in your life that can make a big impact over time. Right now I'm out jogging through snow. I'm not setting land speed records, but I've committed to my slow increase in mileage come hell or frozen fluffy water. I've not signed up for an ultra or tried to race down icy slopes. Slow and steady. Be the tortoise. It took me 6 years to feel ready for a marathon, no need to rush and injure myself.

On the same note, I know I'm reaching the hard part of the fundraising. So I've got to remember, little things.

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