Saturday 28 November 2009

Hello, Goodbye, Texas.

So I've been back in "The States" for five days. As I sit here now, in a house with more than 1,000 square feet, insulation, and stupid high ceilings, I am content. Content, but at the same time I know I must move on to the second half - La Florida.

But before we go there...

Thanks, Texas.

Seriously, though, thanks. I forgot to tell you that when I left how much I appreciated you. Specifically I wanted to mention Houston. Houston is this thriving, living, pulsing city. It can get on your nerves (it and the UK can compete for worst traffic), it can frustrate you, but rarely ever is it extremely bad to you. Houston gave me my degree in hard knocks, it propped me up on being self-reliant, but it also gave me the best mentors I've ever had. People who have and still truly believe in me. People how have a million different backgrounds and beliefs but who have cared for me and sometimes carried me through. It's a city where if you want to attempt it you can. It's a city who will soon have Annise Parker - who I consider a mentor - for mayor. That's the caliber of people I have met in Houston. That's the standard of excellence that I've renewed on my being here.

I also got to close some bad doors. Got to say things I wanted to say months ago and let demons out. I'm happy that some things can be put to rest so when I return on future visits I will do so not carrying around heavy weights. I can move on, move forward, and not sit around dwelling on things.

Thanks, Texas. Really. I promise I won't let you down.

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