Friday 26 June 2009

On travel, broken promises, and hellos and goodbyes.

It was foolish, really, to think that in the span of five people visiting I would blog fiction everyday. I wanted to try, and by day four it became impossible.

Not that I won't try again, I have lots of material to work with.

I've discovered the Pitts River Museum. It was under renovation when I moved here, but now it's open and wonderful. It's full of whistling arrows, models of who-knows-what, mummies, shrunken heads, you name it. It's dimly lit. You go in, get a torch, and just find weird stuff.

I've also rediscovered Paris. It's highs and lows, and it's glorious outer world of Versailles. I got to see an old friend and marvel at 'sparkly Eiffel Tower.' Seriously worth a look once in your life.

I got to say "Hey" to London again. To see it through the eyes of someone who has never had such the chance. To remember being scared of Tube maps and constantly overwhelmed and awed at such an intense city.

I said goodbye to someone I care for dearly due to life, mercifully, not death. People change, people move on and do different things. It wasn't the way I really planned for it to happen, if you can plan such a thing. I will mourn this for a long time, but will be grateful for the time I had.

And now I have my last little group of people. We've gotten them through their stay awake phase, now to let them rest and take them about in the morning.

And then, then, back to life. Maybe.

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