Saturday, 19 December 2009

Open letter to Mother Nature.

Dear Ms. Nature, (I'm in England and I don't know if you are married so you are a Ms. here.)

Oxford is a city located in a valley.
Because of this, we generally don't get severe weather.
Sure, it can be cloudy.
It can drizzle a bit of rain.
But, for the most part, we are spared downpours.
This means that while lots of England is getting snow we get a bit of fluff.
I want snow.
If I'm this far north I should get it.
Even if it's just enough to roll a snow ball and go, "Yay, everything is white!"
So, if you're not busy or anything.
Or, at least, if you could please put off some horrible storm somewhere.
I would like snow.

Your friend who is freezing but getting no known benefit.


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