Monday, 31 August 2009

Flora and Fauna Report

I have to give England massive props for their public gardens. I mean, yes, the United States has parks - big, huge, massive parks - but in England they wander around in fields and build gigantic glass houses for fun. (Okay, and medicine and science research, but they are fun.)

I finally visited Kew this weekend. It's merely 250 years old and sports two massive glass houses, a palace, a Japanese Garden, a tree walk, and an assortment of other items, all in one place. The fact that they've been at this sort of thing on this little island is astounding. Palms, cedars, various garden types - all replicated for the world to come visit.

I think you could feasibly spend a year wandering all the trails and parks and gardens that England has. For instance, yesterday as we bused into London I watched people - in misting rain and terrible wind - willingly walking along little hillsides, many stopping and looking out on the roadways and hills beyond and probably thinking, "Why couldn't we make indoor malls the source of all our wonder like Dubai does?"

Or something similar, I don't read minds.

But what got me is that I was wondering how you get up there, how long it takes to wander, and if I should pack a lunch and a snack. See how England is getting to me? Soon I will have a multipurpose windbreaker and waterproof hiking shoes. Kew alone calls practically for a camp site it's so big.

But that's just another wonderful part about England. Although I could use with a bit more sun.

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