Sunday, 15 February 2009

Simple Things.

I am impressed by the lives of my animals. I often tell others, "If I do really well in this life, I get to come back as a pampered house pet." That is heaven, though sometimes I'm sure my animals will tell you it's hell. Especially when you are 5 minutes late feeding them or you don't have a lap free to try and cram cuddle yourself into.

No matter.

I've been thinking pretty hard about what I want to do. For those who know me, I spent a couple of years completely associated with a brand. I did so because of the emotional attachment that can be made. It's not rocket science, by humanizing things it makes them easier to sell. When you believe in them, it's not hard to be the face. But times change, things change, and you have to disassociate. (I often wonder what Jared, the Subway Guy is up to. There is a brand association that went on for donkeys.)

So as I've been looking I've been spending quite a bit of time with the pets, and I noticed how simple things make them happy. My dog, Finley, loves orange squeaky. Only one particular kind, which I have a massive bag of sitting upstairs. I don't know why he has particular brand loyalty to this one ball, but he does. It has little nobs on it, and actually comes in several colors. He, however, likes the orange ones. Sort of like a favorite color or food that you just can't get enough of.

Whenever things are going great with him, a good tummy rub, a pretty lady comes to visit (he also loves women) he runs to get orange squeaky. When he seems excited, I ask him, "Can it get any better?" and like a rocket he's off and back with orange squeaky. It's the happy place for my dog. That one thing in life that just makes it all worthwhile.

So I decided to name my blog after this, my dog's favorite toy in the universe. Better than chew bone, longer lasting then rope bone, it's the orange squeaky. That happy place.

We all deserve that happy place.

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